Keep it to yourself, vegan.
Via "Human Nature" on slate.com: apparently there are people in New Zealand who describe themselves as "vegansexuals." As if being vegan weren't intolerable enough (hello? God made meat delicious so we would want to eat it) now they have the gall to think that they're turning us carnivores down for sex.
The joke's on you, vegans--I think it's we meateaters who are proudly declining to have sex with you, and not the other way around. That deafening silence in your ear while you have your grass salad and juice? The sound of meat eaters not hitting on you, not asking you out, and not breathing heavily whilst fucking you. Good luck perpetuating your species.
Go-To Girl, former vegan-dater
This is the funniest thing I've read all day.
Your buddy,
Vegetarianism is a poor choice...veganism is a mental illness. (copyright me)
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