These sexy black gloves come in sizes XS-XL and will keep STI germs off your body.
Dear Go-To Girl,
I have genital herpes and when I have an outbreak, I have the hardest time getting over feeling "infected" and pleasuring my boyfriend. Obviously we can't have sex, and I can't stand dental dams. What the hell should we do to each other?
Dear Helen,
Congratulations! You're at the point where you're smart enough to know that you really, really shouldn't have sex when you have a herpes outbreak. You're officially an adult. I've got good news for you: handjobs are not the clumsy, long-nailed disaster that you remember from the summer after 8th grade.
If you're a regular reader, chances are you already own a copy of The Guide to Getting it On, so get it out and flip to page 123.
If this is you: "Handjobs? Seriously?" consider this:
"Hopefully, by the end of this chapter you will be thinking, 'Any girl can give him a blow job, but I'm the only one who can give him a handjob that makes him want me more than he's ever wanted any woman." (page 123)
Legally, I can't print much more of the book here but here are a few basics:
And if you don't have kleenex handy, use your mouth.
1. Buy lube (he might not like it or need it, but have it on hand just in case)
2. Cut (and file) your goddamn fingernails
3. Surprise him somewhere--the kitchen, a movie theater, in the car
1 comment:
I received my first really successful handjob after like fifteen years of being sexually active. It is a rare, sexy and useful skill!
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